Welcome To Jamiah Banat Manubar
Notice Board
The new academic year will start from 08 / April / 2025
Online from Start Date : 01/02/2025 To 20/02/2025
MADRASA CONTACT PHONE NO. : +91 9408322026,+91 7383139425
Online from Start Date : 01/02/2025 To 20/02/2025
MADRASA CONTACT PHONE NO. : +91 9408322026,+91 7383139425
About Jamiah Banat Manubar
Through the Grace of Almighty Allah, Jamatus-Salihat has provided a unique educational and pastoral service to the female Muslim Ummah since its establishment in 1993. The principal aim of Jamiatus-salihat is to provide an understanding of the Holy Qura'an and Ahadeeth to young female Muslims and guide them in developing a positive moral character. Thus enabling them to be exemplary mothers who can establish Deen in their homes and family.Message From Mohtamim
Dear Brothers and Sisters in IslamAssalamu Alaikum Warahmatullai Wabarakatuhu
We would like to bring to your kind attention and consideration that currently there are 2100 female students studying and being looked after at Jamaiatus Salihat (Bostane Aminah) Manubar.
Passed Students